April 3, 2017 – Duvall Homes’ Adult Day Training programming teaches from a vast spectrum of co-curricular activities that model the framework of core curriculum state standards and extend experiences outside of the ADT classroom. This seasons Eagle Watch Program is only one of many such programs.

ADT participants learned about the Bald Eagles habitat, feeding and nesting behavior from statewide data taught by ADT instructors in our Opportunities Enrichment Center and from viewing a live Eagle cam.
This program continued for weeks and included several field trips with binoculars to Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge to discover and monitor the Bald Eagle’s habitat and hatching of eaglets. [ We’re quite fortunate to have our ADT facility, in Glenwood, be located only five minutes from Lake Woodruff. ]
Participants also created eagle artworks following the trip providing an additional form of expression for each member of the special group of birdwatchers.
To learn more about the Bald Eagle, visit Florida’s Audubon website at http://fl.audubon.org/ and https://goo.gl/7nmYpY. To learn more about Duvall Home’s Adult Day Training Programming, click on Adult Day Training. View additional images from Duvall’s Eagle Watch by visiting our Facebook.com/DuvallHome.
To enjoy additional wildlife images indigenous to the area, visit the website of Florida photographer ScottHelfrichPhotography.c