Council on Aging


Pursuing Opportunities For ADT

February 15, 2020 – Seated in the newly renovated lobby of the Opportunities Enrichment Center, Shirley Zonnevylle, Director of Duvall Homes’ Adult Day Training Program, researches new activity opportunities for our participants.

Volunteer service, multiple work contracts, and a variety of social and leisure activities keep ADT participants busy year-round, thanks to Zonnevylle’s diligence.

Shirley Zonnevylle

Our latest volunteer project connects participants with The Salvation Army, in a coordinated effort to serve the senior citizens of our community. Several participants travel to the DeLand location every Wednesday, to help ready the dining room for more than sixty seniors who arrive for lunch each week. Setting the tables in preparation for the luncheons keeps us engaged with our neighbors and helps promote good will.

Did you know?

Did you know that ADT Participants also volunteer at Publix, Habitat for Humanity, Council on Aging, Rise Against Hunger…and more? If your company or organization is working on a special project, let us know! We may be able to help you, too!


Volunteering In Our Community

November 4, 2019 – Delivering meals for Volusia County’s Council on Aging are Day Training Participants Clare, Ari and Kenny with assistance from long-time Support Specialist, Cindi J.

Duvall Homes has been volunteering for Meals on Wheels for several years. The national nonprofit organization is dedicated to providing services that enable Volusia County seniors to maintain their independence and remain in their own homes.

Hundreds of thousands of homebound people each year across the nation, who are elderly, disabled and often times Veterans, are helped. The staff and residents of Duvall Homes are proud to be a part of this great service in our community.