Daytona News-Journal

Duvall Homes

Media Shares Duvall News

August 24, 2018 – Duvall Homes is happy to be a part of this month’s Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce’s business publication Evolve Magazine.

Duvall HomesRead why the Daytona region is one of the fastest growing metro areas in the country. With a lower cost of doing business and a highly skilled workforce, experts report that it is the perfect spot to relocate or expand your business. This is precisely why Duvall Homes selected this publication to place its 4th Annual Inspiration Gala ad! This, and to thank presenting sponsor Reames Employee Benefits Solutions, reception sponsors Florida Hospital DeLand and Florida Hospital Fish Memorial and entertainment sponsor Florida Public Utilities.

Join the community in being part of this exciting celebration before ticket prices go up Friday, September 7; the event will sell out. Watch video to learn about the live entertainment, hors d’oeuvres, fine dining and inspiring program or go to

Duvall Bargain Thrift StoreOther places you’ll find Duvall stories this month are inside Aging Tree‘s Legacy, a great resource for seniors; the West Volusia Beacon’s 50 Something tab; in the PennySaver’s* Fun & Sun section, announcing Duvall’s Bargain Store Sidewalk Sale on September 8; and displayed along Woodland Blvd. in the historic downtown business district of DeLand in the form of 16 seven-foot long two-sided banners. [Banners: Jennifer’s Smile  |  Justin’s Smile]

The staff and residents of Duvall send a sincere thank you to Volusia County news outlets, including My News 13, Hometown News and Volusia Parent Magazine, who support the Duvall Homes 501c3 steadfast mission of empowering people with developmental disabilities through their provision of in-kind advertising and news coverage. We depend on it, and place great value in your recognition of the need to inform the public of the programs and services we provide to the community and the greater Central Florida region.

Thank you 2018 Inspiration Gala Sponsors

*The PennySaver was recently purchased by the Daytona Beach New-Journal

Posted by Lisa Habermehl