DeLand Florida

Chairs with Arms Duvall

Chairs With Arms For Seizure Disorder

May 17, 2017 – Because Florida ranks 49 out of 50 states in funding services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Autism, Cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and other disabilities, we are always in search of funding for one particular need or another. Right now, we are in need of 50 chairs with arms for our residents and day training participants.

By donating just $35 to Duvall Homes’ chair fundraiser to purchase one chair with arms, you will provide additional safety for a disabled person, especially for those living with a seizure disorder.

Chairs with Arms Duvall

Any donation is greatly appreciated. In an effort to reach our goal for this essential furniture need, a “Chairs with Arms” drive was initiated during the month of May on Go Fund Me with a focus placed on raising at least $1750 of the $10,000 to purchase 50 chairs with arms; however, the fundraiser continues to run.

Duvall Homes ArtTo show our appreciation, anyone who makes a donation will have their name entered into a drawing for a special gift box of printed original works of art created by individuals with developmental disabilities in our care who participate in Duvall Homes’ Art…For Everyone Program at our Opportunities Enrichment Center.

Various ways to donate for your convenience

Donate online here.
Donate by phone by calling 386.734.2874.
Donate by mail by sending a check payable to
Duvall Homes to P.O. Box 220036, Glenwood, FL 32722.

Be sure to write Furniture Replacement Fundraiser on your check or
in the “special instructions” memo when making a paypal donation.

Thank you for your support and understanding of this need!

Learn more about Duvall Homes’ Furniture Replacement Fundraiser at
