holiday fun

Employee Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun Employee Appreciation

December 7, 2018 –  Congratulations to employee Matt Neumeyer! Matt, a relatively new Support Specialist, guessed the closest number of candies inside the Tower of Candy without going over. The seven stacked containers had 547 pieces of candy. Lotto tickets, tea towels and money were inside the 17-inch tall tower. In total, Matt won a prize valued at more than $100, which was part of some employee appreciation holiday fun.

“I’m shocked,” said Neumeyer. “I really appreciate it!”

Accounts Receivable Specialist, Bobbie Daley, won a surprise 2nd Place gift because she guessed the next closest amount without going over. Bobbie celebrated 10 years at Duvall this past June!

Duvall’s Chief Operating Officer, Marsha Shankleton, presented the prizes. The holiday fun is part of a larger We Appreciate You employee celebration that began the week prior to Thanksgiving. Management gave each employee a Publix gift card with a thank you letter from Duvall’s CEO, Steven DeVane.

More holiday fun employee appreciation is to come!

Post by Lisa Habermehl