Plein Art Studio

Art Studio Patio

New Art Studio and Classroom Renovations

May 22, 2020Thanks to tremendous support from our friends at Publix, Duvall’s Adult Day Training Program opens its new Plein Air Art Studio.

Duvall Homes Art StudioMonths ago, before all attention turned to COVID-19 and the world health emergency, a special group of Volunteers from Publix Supermarket visited Duvall Homes. Offering their time, talent, and remarkable kindness, they worked to create an amazing outdoor art studio for participants in Duvall’s Day Training Program. This new space expands the current indoor ART for Everyone Studio and allows ADT participants greater freedom to explore natural subjects and lighting.

The Volunteers managed all aspects of the mural production – from design and materials purchase, to prep and painting. The colorful theme ties directly to the geometric pieces patterned by participants in their paintings and merchandise.

Duvall Homes Art

The ADT Rec Hall and Life Skills Classroom have a new look, with renovations that include fresh paint, new window treatments, appliances and furniture. Final touches are still to come!

Life Skills Classroom ADT Rec Hall