
ADT Vocational Training

Duvall Homes’ 2018 Spring Newsletter

May 25, 2018 – Inside Duvall Homes’ 2018 Spring Newsletter, you’ll once again be connected with the inspiring stories that bind our community together. Stories like Building Opportunities That Impact Our Community give insight to the tangible benefits that result when business partners get involved with the work we do.

Duvall Homes NewsletterArticles like The Duvall Difference provide an overview of the services and personal care Duvall residents receive from Direct Support Professionals and their Support Team every single day and of a father’s discovery of these services after putting the future care of his son above all else.

We also like to highlight community news and events in each issue. Our Spring Fling; service from high school and college students; the retiring of an employee after 37 years; and the Tim Tebow Foundation‘s very special Night To Shine event are just some of the newsworthy events that took place this past quarter.

Many of our friends, families and business partners have just received Duvall’s 2018 Spring Newsletter in the mail. You can enjoy it too by clicking on the cover to flip through the digital version.

Please share the many heartwarming stories with your own family, friends and colleagues. You’d be surprised who can benefit from the many different perspectives shared. Let us know what inspires you most about this issue at ImInspired.org. #TheDuvallDifference

To receive periodic e-news from Duvall, sign up here.

Other Duvall News & Events

Evolve Magazine Daytona Chamber

Diversity in Business Includes the Developmentally Disabled

May 23, 2018 – Inside this month’s issue of the Daytona Chamber’s business publication, Evolve, readers are presented with defined perspectives and proven business practices with respect to embracing a diverse workforce. As a proud member of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce since 2011, Duvall Homes is honored to have contributed to its Diversity in Business May 2018 issue to include the people we serve in our community.

Duvall Homes How Rich is Your Diversity

In the article How Rich is Your Diversity? (pages 32 to 35) by Lisa Habermehl, Duvall’s Director of Marketing, experiences and values are shared by business leaders in the County of Volusia, and beyond, who engage with, employ and contract people with developmental disabilities.

Decades ago, a diverse workforce meant a workforce with varying ethnicity. Today, a diverse workforce is an inclusive labor pool varied in ethnicity, gender, age and abilities, and diversity in business includes diversity in a businesses’ workforce, leadership team and its customer or client base. Successful businesses that choose to remain current and continue to grow understand the many benefits of business diversity and inclusion.

How Rich Is Your Diversity? pages 32 to 35

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Duvall Homes I'm Inspired #iminspired

More Duvall News & Events


Duvall Careers

Dedicated Direct Support Professional Retires After 37 Years

March 28, 2018 – After giving 37 years of her life caring for people with developmental disabilities, Phyllis Griffith, a devoted Direct Support Professional (DSP), has decided to retire.

“I don’t want to leave. I really don’t,” said Griffith. “It’s only because of my balance do I think it’s best for me to retire now. It’s going to be tough, but this way I can leave feeling good instead of risking a fall or something.”

Griffith has cared for many residents during her time at Duvall, as well as trained a great number of Direct Support Professionals. “I will miss the residents greatly, but I’ll look forward to getting the Duvall newsletter and hearing the latest news, so please don’t forget me.”

Oh, we will not forget you Phyllis. You are the heartbeat of Duvall. People like you have instilled confidence in the hearts of hundreds of families, caregivers and loved ones of those we serve. People like you have contributed to the legacy of empowering people with developmental disabilities in our community for more than 73 years. Thank you Phyllis for your commitment, loyalty and compassion!


Fellow staff and a few family members celebrated with Phyllis over a surprise luncheon in the chapel on the Glenwood campus. Treniece and Artrina, both 10-year DSP veterans, have worked alongside Phyllis caring for the same residents, said they would miss Phyllis and wish her the very best in retirement.

Publix Cake

Interested in becoming a DSP? Visit DuvallHomes.org/Careers.

Wynonna “Cookie” Stanfield retires after 33 years.

Other Duvall Homes’ News & Events


Night To Shine DeLand

A Team Effort

February 8, 2018 – Participants in Duvall’s Day Training Program assisted in putting together 200 special greeting cards for each VIP attending the Night To Shine (NTS) Prom at Stetson Baptist Church in DeLand tomorrow night.

Each unique recycled card reads the message, “You Are Shining Bright Tonight And Every Day!” The cards were decorated with a single sparkling star on the front symbolic of the Faith, Hope & Love this special night represents for each VIP with special needs in our community, and the care put into sealing each envelope by those in our care. The cards were stuffed into the black NTS gift bags for each VIP and will be given out Friday night.

ADT Night To Shine

ADT Duvall Homes

Night To Shine Cards

The Director of NightToShineDeLand.org, Pastor Dan Glenn of Stetson Baptist Church (top photo, center), and his hardworking staff, extends his gratitude to Duvall Homes and to the 400 volunteers who continue to work to create an experience like no other. Thanks to the Tim Tebow Foundation, we are now part of a special annual event that will occur in 16 countries, at 540 host churches by 175,000 volunteers for 90,000 kings and queens!

Night To Shine Duvall Homes

Posted by Lisa Habermehl

Night To Shine Pre-Prom Preparations Duvall Homes I'm Inspired #iminspired

Duvall Homes STEAM

STEM-Inspired Art at Duvall Homes

January 11, 2017 – New art panels debuted at Duvall Homes’ 2017 Inspiration Gala, which displayed artworks influenced by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) subjects. The Opportunities Enrichment Center (Adult Day Training – ADT) at Duvall Homes incorporates, among other things, the cultural arts and influences of STEM subjects into their regular curriculum.

Duvall Homes

Created individually and collaboratively, the works displayed on the art panels were inspired through the observation of other art done by professional painters and photographers, by learning about and viewing images associated with current events in the news, and by exploring the natural environment surrounding Duvall’s abundant Glenwood campus.

Solar Eclipse STEAM

The Support Specialists at Duvall’s ADT center create original programming. They use various educational resources, including digital guides and personal iPads to instruct science-based events like the epic solar eclipse that passed over the U.S. this past August, or eagle nesting that occurs at Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge just minutes from Duvall’s campus.

Duvall Homes Fauna Art

Given only modified assistance when required, Duvall artists incorporated designs, figures and shapes on canvases of all types and measurements, and created an impressive collection that inspired every individual privileged to view them. Mediums of all types were used from pastels, acrylics, charcoal, chalk and ink, to rocks, twigs and recycled wood, cardboard and aluminum. We’re excited with the specialized programming that takes place at Duvall Homes and proud of the empowerment instilled on all of our ADT participants.

Art For EveryoneShould your business be interested in exhibiting works of art created by individuals with developmental disabilities from our community in our care, please view our growing virtual DeLand Art Gallery and contact Elizabeth Bhimjee, CMDO, at ebhimjee@duvallhomes.org or 386.734.2874 ext. 102.



Read full Stem-Inspired story on pages 6 and 7 of Duvall’s 2017 Fall Newsletter.

A Total Eclipse ExperienceEagle Watch & ArtArt Rocks

Posted by Lisa Habermehl
Duvall Homes I'm Inspired #iminspired

Duvall Careers

We Appreciate You

November 2, 2019 – “Dear Duvall Homes’ Team Member, without your commitment to helping others, the people in our care would be at risk. Instead, you bring joy and comfort to them each and every day, and the impact of your generosity and kindness has made a true difference in their lives. The greatest gift you give this holiday season is your selfless compassion.” – Steven DeVane, CEO

Our Employees Are #TheDuvallDifference


Publix Gift CardThanksgiving Gift Card – A Gift From Duvall Homes Management Join our “Give Thanks” well wishes by sharing a message or image of what you’re grateful for this Thanksgiving Season. Share your comments with us on Instagram at #ImInspiredDeLandFacebook.com/DuvallHome, Duvall’s Google Page or you can email Lisa Habermehl at lhabermehl@duvallhomes.org. We’d love to hear from you!


Candy Tower
Tower of Candy

Guess The Number Of Candies & Win Donated by Marsha Shankleton, Chief Operating Officer. Guess the number of candies in the containers without going over, and win the candies, containers and some other valuable surprises inside. The total value is $100! A photo and dimensions are at DuvallHomes.org/Holiday-Fun. Submit your guess with your name and department by December 1 via email to Lisa Herring at lherring@duvallhomes.org or by calling 386.734.2874 x119.  The winner will be announced before Dec. 25. (Tower of Candy Dimensions: 17″ tall, Approx Container Sizes 1 – 2.5″ x 2.5″; 2 – 3.25″ x 3.25″; 3 – 4″ x 4″; 4 – 4.5″ x 4.5″; 5 – 5.5″ x 5.5″; 6 – 6.5″ x 6.5″; 7 – 7.25″ x 7.25″) 



Duvall Homes
Click on T-shirt to zoom in.

You Are Part Of The Duvall Difference Tell us your T-shirt size (MED, LG XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL) by December 1 and receive one new royal blue “I am part of the #TheDuvallDifference” T-shirt for free!!! Tell us your name, dept. and T-shirt size by emailing Lisa Herring at lherring@duvallhomes.org or by calling her at 386.734.2874 x119.  Additional T-shirts can be ordered for only $5 each!  The first free T-shirt will come with a raffle ticket for a chance to win another small personal gift to be drawn before December 25. Winners will be announced at DuvallHomes.org/Holiday-Fun.

Holiday Gift CardHoliday Bonus – A Gift From Duvall Homes’ Management, Families and Friends
We appreciate you!  Let us know how you spend your card. Share your words and photos with us on social media and be sure to include the hashtag #TheDuvallDifference and/or contact Lisa Habermehl at  lhabermehl@duvallhomes.org, or 386.734.2874 x 116. Also, if you plan to use your holiday bonus on Amazon, please shop on Smile.Amazon and select “Duvall Homes” as your nonprofit. It won’t cost you a penny more, and Duvall will receive a small donation from Amazon for each purchase you make!


